Our Expertise

Whether you have a business vision that needs to be transformed into a viable software product or a service; a business critical application that needs to be built; or you need to re-architect or scale your existing systems, we bring years of experience in building real world systems and platforms that have proven their business value and operational efficiency behind some of the largest digital properties in the world.

We have extensive experience across all phases of software development lifecycle and can provide a targeted portfolio of services based on your software development needs. Let our expertise help you create innovative technical solutions to your business problems.

Technology Strategy

We can transform your strategic business plans into viable and executable technical plans. Whether you are just starting out, devising new strategic direction or looking for ways to improve your existing systems and processes, we bring a set of proven services and strategies to get your business going in the right direction.

Interim VP Engineering/VP Development/C.T.O.

We can sort out your technical options and bring them all together. We can help your business over the short or long term with its technical leadership needs by helping you assemble the teams and technologies you need to bring your products to market. Whether it needs to be built, fixed or scaled for rapid growth, we know how to make the technology and the Internet work for you.

Examples include:

  • Devising technical solutions & implementation strategies for your business concept.
  • Managing initial and early phase development, from discovery, inception through initial product.
  • Identifying staffing needs and critical technical skill sets to execute your business plan.
  • Assisting you in the hiring process for key initial technical staff.
  • Assessing third party technology providers or technology stacks for business and technical fitness.

Technology guidance & assessment

You may have clearly laid out business or technical goals but do you know how to get there? We can provide you the guidance and support to make it happen.

  • Reviewing and auditing your current technology infrastructure and development/support processes for conformance to best industry practices.
  • Developing a technology road map to bring your product to market or to scale existing products.
  • Identifying your technical options for using commercial and open source software, allowing you to focus your development efforts on the unique, proprietary value your product brings to the table.

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Expert Software Development

We have been creating internet technology systems and bringing digital media products to market since the early days of the Internet, and we have done it with some of the largest and most trusted sites on the Web. Our consultants brings years of software development experience, in multiple programming languages and platforms spanning a wide array of systems. We have been at the forefront of emerging technology trends and have applied the technology to drive business benefit and products to market.

Project Centric Development

If you have a critical project or a component we can develop the project on a turnkey basis, or we can collaborate with your existing project team to fill the gaps where assistance is needed. Our goal is always to make your project successful. We can bring together developer resources, deep industry experience and design and implementation expertise in multiple platforms and languages to deliver your product or service.

Product Line Systems and Frameworks

Product oriented development is different than project centric development as it requires a more acute focus on the product line architecture as well a critical eye on the non functional attributes of the system. This is especially true if you are building core technology components that will form the basis of future extensions and hooks. We can devise the system architecture and develop the system core while accounting for your functional and non-functional requirements.

Rich Internet Applications/AJAX based Application

Building a performant browser application that can take the place of a desktop application is a challenging task. Our team has extensive experience in dealing with performance, latency and footprint issues, and we can help you develop performant applications using your current one or a combination of RIA technologies or HTML5.

Web Services

Do you need to make back-end data repositories available to your front-end applications? Are you having trouble getting back-end data services to hold up under load?

RESTful web services can be a great way to separate your data layer from your application, but good architecture is a must to achieve good performance. We have much experience in building web services that scale through a combination of careful interface design, solid implementations, and appropriate deployment strategies.

Content management systems

If you have a need to built a custom content management solution or a specific system that is tailored to your workflow we have built enterprise class content management systems and can help you in all the phases of development of such a project from inception to development to deployment.

High Throughput Systems

Does your system require high throughput or up-time? Our consultants have built and scaled systems to the needs of some of the largest web properties in the world. Whether you need a critical component to meet a particular transaction rate or a server based system to meet the scale needs of your business we can provide on the ground evaluation of what is possible and develop the component or system for you.

Open Source Technology Based Systems

Do you need to control software licensing costs and are looking to open-source solutions as a cheaper alternative? Are you concerned about a lack of support options with open-source software?

We have used a large array of open-source applications and frameworks and can help you design and execute open technologies based products with an eye to keeping them supportable by in-house staff.

Some of the open-source software stacks with which we have expertise include:

  • Linux, Apache, Tomcat, MySQL server infrastructure
  • Spring, Hibernate, JSP, Java EE Web Applications
  • REST, SOAP, XML, JSON, AJAX, HTML5, JavaScript, Flash Rich Internet Applications
  • Subversion, Eclipse, JUnit, Ant development environments
  • RMI, EJB, JDBC, JMS, JNDI, LDAP distributed systems

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Project Management & Execution

Executing large projects requires a multidimensional skill set and the ability to be strategic and tactical at the same time. Although technical prowess is critical, executing complex technical initiatives require a methodical and result-driven management process.

We can assist you in defining project execution strategy that is grounded in reality and still bring years of experience in managing and executing business critical projects.

Software Estimation

Are you constantly chasing artificial deadlines? Is your technical team finds it difficult to provide you with effort estimates? Do you have repeatable estimation process?

  • We can help you define a real world estimation process that is grounded in reality based on your system architecture.
  • Devising both top down and bottom up estimates.
  • Defining software estimation primitives and framework for work estimation.

Requirements Management

Whether you need fully dressed use cases or short stories we have done them all. In addition we can bring to bear many years of experience managing scope and effort through realistic requirements management.

Development Process Management & Advice

Whether you are getting out of waterfall cycle, or new to Iterative Software Development or Scrum, we can help guide your development effort with objective and real world process definition. our knowledge and experience goes beyond current marketing trends or even a theoretical know how of the software development life cycle. We have been using Agile processes for developing mission critical systems for close to a decade. We have done it repeatedly and with great success.

We can help you deal with the subtleties of an agile model and also craft a more stable and realistic agile execution model based on the organization size and formality. We can also access the team readiness for such approaches and help coach them or get them ready for agile process adoption.

Migration/Gap analysis

Do you need to look at the feasibility of migrating the existing system to a new architecture. We can help you in identifying the gaps and help you devise a plan that takes into account critical success factors and bring together the techniques and practices that have allowed us to be successful in migrating large scale digital properties from earlier systems to new ones.

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Architecture & Design

Architecture of software systems is critical to their long term stability and ongoing operational cost. The flexibility of architecture provides businesses with the ability to deal with changing business needs in an agile manner. Whether you need to devise a new architectural vision for a system due to changing business realities or fix an existing one we can help sort out your options. Our consultants have led large and successful system architecting efforts with proven return on investments and and been at the helm of large system migrations post re-architecting efforts.

Systems Architecture

  • We can help you map system requirements to one or more potentially viable candidate architectures for the new system.
  • Develop prototypes with potential technology stacks.
  • Re-architect an existing system with a more robust system architecture while taking into account all the influencing factors including technical, organizational, products and platform and come up with a cohesive yet executable technical architecture.
  • Devise a product line architecture with a core platform and vertical products.
  • Develop your Enterprise Architecture Communication documentation and including UML models of the domain and the critical systems.

Application Architecture

Is the Application you have not performing to the realities of your expanding business? We can take into account all the functional and non-functional requirements, assess the reality of using the currently deployed platform against your goals and create a more cohesive application architecture.

Analysis Modeling or Domain Modeling

Are you facing challenges due to a large number of disparate data and domain models within your enterprise. Do you have disparate systems with a large variance of domain specific logic with no reference domain model? Do you need consolidation of business rules across the enterprise? We can help you craft a consolidated domain model taking into account various

Content Management Work flow and System Analysis

Our consultants have built multiple enterprise scale content management systems and deployed them in diverse real world environments. As such we are very aware of the realities and intricacies of Web Content Management as well as real world implications of various workflow choices. With the emergence of new edge devices many new versions of content are also required. Keeping track of content has become a major challenge. Also there are a large array new content management platforms to choose from.

  • We can analyze your content value chain and provide insightful solutions to your content management problems by defining and implementing work flows for content ingestion through classification, authoring, editing, to publication for multi-platform distribution.
  • Identify best of breed options for your content management value chain and workflow
  • Perform evaluations between best of breed content management candidates you may have picked

Design Best Practices Guidance

Do you need to enhance the non-functional attributes of the system by employing best practices, design and architectural patterns? We can coach your team around the best practices of software design and provide ongoing coaching and guidance on an as needed basis.

Architecture Evaluations

Do you need to perform a review of your current systems with a view to avoiding future technical risk or exploring future options? we can survey your current systems with a view towards exploring the non functional attributes including extensibility, performance, scalability, reliability, modifiability of your current architecture, identify any potential hotspots, as well as accesses long term feasibility of your current architecture.

Software Performance Engineering

Are you facing challenging scalability, reliability or up-time issues with you current systems? Do you have a capacity plan? Is your hardware and software provisioning based on real objective data?

  • We can assist you with immediate and long term performance enhancements while bringing correct design and architectural patterns.
  • Help you develop craft realistic performance models Load Testing and Performance Evaluation strategies.
  • We can look for hooks and interim strategies to increase the reliability and scalability of the system as well as devise a plan for a new system if there is a need.
  • High reliability designs
  • Capacity planning

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